Please join the Troupe, our community partners and experts in the field to further explore the themes presented in the San Francisco Mime Troupe's Tales of the Resistance series.
First, listen to Episode 7, "Fear of the Dark: The Rotten Orchard" at Then, tune in to the Library's post-listening discussion on YouTube.
To build on the episode, we have assembled a panel about policing and structural racism. Hear from Kirin Rajagopalan, an organizer with Critical Resistance, and Lisa Hori-Garcia, performer and collective member with the Mime Troupe.
Critical Resistance seeks to build an international movement to end the Prison Industrial Complex by challenging the belief that caging and controlling people makes us safe. Established over 20 years ago, Critical Resistance has created a member-led and member-run grassroots movement to challenge the use of punishment to “cure” complicated social problems.
Come discuss the future of community safety and alternatives to racialized policing.