The Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) and the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) invite you to provide input into our strategic planning process. We are convening a Community Forum on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, from 5:30pm to 7:30 p.m. at George Washington High School (600 32nd Avenue, San Francisco) to gather input from stakeholders to inform the development of four strategic plans:
The Consolidated Plan is the primary MOHCD plan that identifies affordable housing and community development needs and priorities.
The Local and Regional Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Strategic Plans identify workforce development needs and priorities for the San Francisco and regional economies.
The HIV Housing Plan focuses on housing-related programs for people living with HIV.
The Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing looks at fair housing issues and how they can be addressed.
Community participation will inform decisions we make about how to design and improve services and other resources to meet the needs of San Francisco residents. Members of the community who are interested in attending can REGISTER HERE or on-site the day of the forum. We also invite all community members to learn about our programs and share input on our online platform:
We will provide refreshments and child watch, and we will have three (3) simultaneous meetings in English, Cantonese, and Russian at the Richmond neighborhood forum.
October 2023
New Housing Resource
After undergoing detox and a residential treatment program for a substance abuse disorder, many require continued assistance in their efforts to regain economic self-sufficiency and independence. Transitional housing, often referred to as sober living, is the next step in the process of transitioning from a residential treatment program back into society. Transitional housing is intended for individuals and families who are in recovery and require further assistance before living independently on their own.
For many recovering addicts, homelessness is a major concern. Addiction, mental illness and other crisis are often to blame for financial instability that leads to homelessness. In some cases, a recovering addict may have a home to go to, but if there are other addicts living in the home, recovery can quickly be derailed and relapse is likely to occur. Transitional housing provides a safe, semi-controlled environment for individuals in recovery to continue working toward the ultimate goal of becoming independent once again.
More information:
Call: 800 661 1690
You’re invited!
Get funding to pay your rent today and stay in your home
westside Rent relief application workshops
You’re invited! September 8 at 7:15 pm
Register today at
apply for rent relief today!
SF planning focus group on August 10: Sign up
Free affordable housing tour on July 9
You’re invited to join a tour of affordable housing sites in SF organized by Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC) on Friday, July 9 at 10 am.
Pre-registration is required and you can sign up here:
TNDC is thrilled to offer a tour of existing affordable housing to the public. This tour will show how these essential properties operate in different neighborhoods and will highlight sites where affordable housing is currently under construction or planned for development. Management and service staff will be on hand during the tour to talk more about the benefits that are provided to residents.
We will meet at the initial tour location in the Richmond (3595 Geary Boulevard) and transportation will be provided. Masks are required during transportation and indoors during site tour. Lunch will also be provided including vegetarian and gluten free options. Please note any dietary restrictions during registration. We look forward to your participation!
我們將在參觀活動的第一站列治文區(3595 Geary Boulevard)提供交通穿梭服務。同時,在乘坐汽車及室內參觀的過程中請大家必須佩戴口罩。我們會提供午餐,其包括素食和無麩質選擇。請在登記表格上註明您的飲食限制。我們期待您的參與!
Affordable housing on the westside community meeting
Thank you to Anni Chung of Self-Help for the Elderly and Fernando Marti of the Council of Community Housing Organizations for joining us for our first community meeting on affordable housing on the Westside. If you would like to watch or rewatch it, a recording is available at Please check this page for upcoming events and resources and learn how you can get involved in bringing more affordable housing to Districts 1, 4 and 7.
Affordable Housing Week with ccho from may 7 to 15
Westside affordable housing workshop 4/29
You’re invited to a Westside Affordable Housing Community Workshop on Thursday, April 29 from 5 to 6:30 pm. Come learn more about efforts that are underway to address the growing need for affordable housing on the westside, and how you can get involved! We are pleased to have the following panelists join us:
Anni Chung, President and CEO, Self-Help for the Elderly
Karoleen Feng, Director of Community Real Estate, Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA)
Fernando Marti, Co-Director, Council of Community Housing Organizations (CCHO)
Register in advance for this webinar:
This event is organized by four non-profits,Community Youth Center, Sunset Youth Services, The Richmond Neighborhood Center and Wah Mei School, that are working collaboratively together to advance affordable housing in Districts 1, 4 and 7. We look forward to seeing you there!
Eviction prevention town hall on April 7 at 5 pm
Join Assemblymember Phil Ting on Wednesday, April 7th at 5:00 pm for a Virtual Town Hall on eviction prevention. Come meet an expert panel from both San Francisco and San Mateo Counties to:
Describe resources available for both landlords and tenants, including the CA State Rental Assistance Program
Detail how to access these resources, including places that can help with applications
Educate viewers on the state eviction moratorium
Answer questions
We will discuss residential tenants' and landlords' rights and how both can apply for aid, ideally with the goal of working together to navigate government assistance. You may watch the Town Hall on my website. In the meantime, please feel free to submit any questions you have in advance.
RFP for 4200 Geary ground floor community space
TNDC has just released their RFP for the ground floor space at their upcoming project at 4200 Geary. To find out more about the application process and RFP, visit to learn more. They will be organizing a virtual pre-submission Workshop on April 14, 2021 from 10:30-11:30 a.m., the link to join is here:
Call-in option: +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 913 1140 6459
The applications are due on May 18, 2021. For more information, please contact Nicole Guzman, Assistant Project Manager at or Colleen Ma, Project Manager, at who can answer any questions you may have during the process.
MOHCD community meeting on housing and development
West side tenants association
You’re invited to the next West Side Tenants Association (WSTA) meeting in the Richmond. WSTA meets on the last Thursday of every month at 6 pm, meet other tenants and learn more about your rights especially during the pandemic. Register to attend here: or visit their Facebook page to find out more.
The San Francisco Anti-Displacement Coalition is a network of housing groups across the city that also offers invaluable resources to tenants, visit their website for the most up-to-date legal information related to housing and more.
4200 Geary project
Learn more about the affordable housing project at 4200 Geary Boulevard that is underway in the Richmond. This new site is being developed by non-profit organization, Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC), to provide affordable housing for diverse seniors at the corner of Geary and 6th Avenue. Construction is set to begin at the end of 2022 and the units will be ready for occupancy in late 2025. Read on for updates and visit their website to learn more.
In the month of February, TNDC is seeking community input on the kinds of services you would like to see offered in the ground floor, commercial space at this site. Complete the survey and share your ideas today!
Link to Survey (English):
链接到调查 (Chinese):
Ссылка на сайт для опроса (Russian):
Renderings of the residential courtyard at 4200 Geary

You don’t have to Move
Check out Housing Rights Committee SF and their new campaign called, You Don't Have to Move. If you cannot afford your rent because of a loss of income, you do not have to move because you are currently protected from eviction during this unprecedented time. If you need to speak with a counselor about your rental situation, call their Westside office at 415-947-9085 and leave a message and someone will return your call from a blocked number. Their hours are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 am to 12 noon, closed Tuesdays. Visit their website to learn more.