Distinguished Pacific Islander poets, storytellers and leaders present an evening of poetry, storytelling and song in honor of the renowned Samoan poet, novelist and playwright Albert Wendt. Tongan scholar and poet Dr. Fuifuilupe Niumeitolu, with assistance from poet activists Kevin Aipopo Henderson and Lisiate Vuna, host this celebration of Pacific Islander communities and their unremitting struggles for self-determination. Our Moana Nui; We are Pacific Islander Studies is part of a series of programs advocating for the California Department of Education to reinstate Pacific Islander Studies and Arab American Studies in the Ethnic Studies curriculum.
Opening Ceremony Offerings are presented by young scholars and faculty representing the Pacific Islander Initiative at the University of California in Berkeley, Critical Pacific Islands/Oceania Studies at San Francisco State University and City College of San Francisco.
Land Acknowledgement by Corrina Gould, Lisjan Ohlone Tribal Spokesperson, co-founder of Sogorea Te Land Trust, renowned speaker, leader and protector of Indigenous Sacred sites.
Closing Ceremony Offerings are presented by Hui ‘O Mauna Kea, Ohlone Territory.