American Bone Health free virtual presentations

RSC is partnering with American Bone Health to promote their free virtual presentations.
Healthy Bones for Life

Osteoporosis is a major public health problem in this country and a life altering disease. 1 out of every 2 women and 1 of every 4 men over the age of 50 are at risk for osteoporosis, low bone density, and will have a fracture.
Date: Wednesday, April 26

Time: 10am - 11am PST
Free, Registration Required:
After registering, you will receive the presentation link. The presentation will be recorded so you will also receive access to the recording as well as additional resources and/or PDF copies of written material.

Questions: Cheryl, Activities Liaison, Richmond Senior Center,

Richmond Senior Center

415.752.6444 center

415.405.4657 desk (voicemail only, I will return all messages)